A Professional Woman – Independent or Insecure?

Written by Poonam Verma


Date: 31 May, 2022

Until recently, I believed that the era has changed. Women are in full control of their life, their decisions, and but not of course, their financial freedom. But then, I watched this promotional video shot by some mutual fund company, a few months ago.

The Bitter Truth

It showed that despite earning for years, women are so unaware of where their finances go. In most cases, women are earning even more than men. Almost 90% of the women in the group had no independence from their own finances. How and where to spend, how much and where to invest, a male in their family takes all these decisions.

Their ignorance came as a shock. Most women are insecure when it comes to finances, irrespective of their professional status.

The other day, I was sitting with my cousin, who is a teacher in a government school. I picked up this topic with her on purpose, because I wanted to know about her point of view on it. It was shocking when she told me about her observations.

She told me, “Many of her colleagues have their accounts, ATM cards, and even credit cards in control of their husbands. Sometimes, it is with mutual consent, some other times, it is an imposition.”

Impact of Conditioning

Man is still considered the superior one in most families, even though the impression given to the world is otherwise.

No matter how accomplished a woman is, or how strong-headed and experienced she is when it comes to finances, you will find her insecure. All her decisions about how and where to use her finances are actually not ‘hers’. She has to take permission or ask for it from going on a vacation, investing in a business, or helping someone. So, where’s the fun?

As per our conditioning, women and numbers don’t get along well. And men are supposed to be the wiser ones when it comes to savings and investment. Considering this, many women give up the effort to understand finances, even before trying.

Of course, there are exceptions. There are women who not only earn but handle their earnings beautifully. Such women hardly make 2-3% of the lot.

Look at the irony here. A female, who has taken up this extra responsibility of going out for work, so that her family can have a better lifestyle, has no control over her own income.

As a result, she earns, yet she is dependent.

The question thus arises – what has she gained with all this accomplishment?

Was she not better in the past era, when her only job was to take care of her household, kids, husband, and elders in the family?

Or is it better now, when along with all these household duties, her job is to go out, earn and work double shift?

The more she proves her worth, the more is she burdened. But is she actually independent?

It looks like a woman got so busy trying to break free and prove her worth to the world, that she forgot an essential part. A part where she gets to enjoy the ‘fruit of her labor’.

Women Empowerment, is it?

In the name of women’s empowerment, I don’t have much idea about how far woman has come. Yet I can say that now when the dust is settling down, her vision is becoming clear.

Gone are the days when it was only about her family. The best education and clothing for her kids, getting them what they desired or wished, and surprising everyone with gifts, was all she wanted. Everything she did was from her observation of their dreams or needs.

Today, her kids have grown up and have started their own life. Her husband or partner is busy sweating over what is left and how to make it double. Now, life has become all about her.

Now, she is thinking about the freedom she can finally get. But the very next question that arises is, how?

  • How to break that ever-going cycle of giving her financial rights to the man? 
  • How to tell him that I am going to take all my decisions myself? 

And above this all,

How to break her own barrier and act as confidently as she feels?

The answer to all these questions is very simple.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Being determined to act on our thought is getting halfway through. The other half can be achieved through discussion and mutual understanding.

And if none of these seems possible, do what you always do. Convince them as always, when you are so interested in something while no one else is.

Find a way, woman!

You always have.

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– Emotional Distress of Men

– How blind people sense intimacy?

– Online dating feels like a part-time job

– Swiping: a dating paradox

– Young & Lonely – How does it feel?

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