Ageing Effect on Sex Life

Written by Poonam Verma


Date: 22 Apr, 2022

Sexuality is often a delicate balance of emotional and physical issues. How you feel while ageing may affect what you are able to do and what you want to do.

Many older couples find greater satisfaction in their sex lives. As compared to when they were younger, they find it far more convenient and enjoyable now. They have valid reasons too. Often, older couples have fewer distractions. As they get more time and privacy, they get to enjoy each other’s company more. Besides, many of them are in the phase, when they have no worries about getting pregnant. This gives them the freedom to enjoy life more than ever. It also helps them in developing greater intimacy with their partners.

Role of ageing

As we age, our bodies go through various changes. Our weight, skin, and muscle tone, everything changes. Some older adults don’t feel as comfortable in their aging bodies. Men and women alike may worry that their partners will no longer find them attractive. Aging-related sexual problems can cause stress and worry. This worry can get in the way of enjoying a fulfilling sex life, despite so many favorable situations of old age.

This is a situation where they feel helpless. Older couples face the same daily stress that affects people of any age. Stress about illness, retirement, and lifestyle changes are some of their main concerns. As a result, this stress may lead to sexual difficulties.

What to do?

There are things you can do on your own for active and enjoyable sex life. If you have a long-term partner, take time to enjoy each other and understand the changes you both are facing.

Don’t be afraid to talk with your doctor if you have a problem that affects your sex life. They may be able to suggest a treatment.

For instance, the most common sexual difficulty of older women is painful intercourse. This is due to vaginal dryness. Vaginal lubricants or moisturizers (suggested by a doctor) can ease the pain. Water-based lubricants are helpful when needed to make sex more comfortable. It is always advisable to use moisturizers on a regular basis.

Remember to always talk to your doctor before taking any herb or supplement.

One problem, many solutions

Physical problems can change your sex life as you get older. For many people, dating and meeting new people is easier in later life. It is because now, they are sure of themselves and of what they want.

If you’re in a relationship, you may discover new ways to be together with discussions, as you get older.

Talking to your partner or partners without blaming anyone or yourself for your needs is good. It also results in developing better understanding and meeting expectations to a great extent.

Another way is to talk with a therapist, either alone or with a partner.

There are therapists, intimacy coaches, and special trainers, who can help with solving sexual problems and lead a better sex life.

So, if you sense changes in your partner’s attitude toward sex, it is not their lost interest in you. Don’t assume they are no longer interested in active sex life. Many times, it is because of sexual problems. And many of these sexual problems, especially in older adults, are curable.

The discussion might also help you discover what you want from a relationship. It is possible that affections, such as hugging, kissing, touching, and spending time together, may be exactly what you need.

In many other cases, it might be a path leading to greater intimacy and amazing sex life.

So, what are you waiting for?

Choose your path and start working for a better tomorrow.

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