Are we stepping into new relationships?

Written by Gopal Bansal

Date: 26 Jun, 2022

We live in a world where relationships have dimensions these days and people kind of embrace these dimensions. Polyamory, a word that was much of a hush-hush earlier is now unfolding itself in the society. Triad or Quads or Vee or Poly associations are currently trending. Had we talked about this a few years back, it would have been a bizarre topic of discussion. But, in modern times, people are looking for more open relationships. They want to be in a bond but not one defined by boundaries.  So, let’s understand whether this is the new world we will be living.

Key takeaways

  • A typical polyamory relationship has a primary couple who are committed to each other but are free to explore other relationships
  • In polyamory, the couples are more inclined emotionally. The lust for physical intimacy is not the primary goal in such relationships.

Understanding the basic structure of polyamory relationships

  • Polyfidelity– In this, the partners in a group agree not to get romantically involved with the people who are not a part of the group.  
  • Triad- It’s also called a throuple where three people are involved, and all three are dating each other.  
  • Quad- This is the same as a triad, but here the group is of 4 people.
  • Vee (or “V”)- In this, an individual is dating two different people, but the two people are not dating each other.

Polyamory relationships work on the exact dimensions that conventional monogamous relationships

Embracing the association is essential in any relationship. Even a polyamorous relationship has phases of happiness, anger, jealousy, and misunderstanding. But, in the case of polyamory, the instances of jealousy can be on a higher side. Hence communication is essential in such relationships

You might think, what has a relationship to do with health. Relationship status can impact an individual’s mental health. Many people believe that polyamorous relationships can be healthy. This is contrary to the belief of people who think that such relationships are bound to doom.

Myths about polyamory

  • These relationships are for individuals who don’t want to commit
    A polyamorous relationship is not always about individuals who are not ready to commit. We have always believed in the idea of the conventional relationship. It says that one should not spread themselves too thin in a relationship. The person should focus their attention and love on their party. A healthy relationship is all about understanding and commitment toward one another. Successful polyamory association is based on good communication and an effort to balance partners’ needs and desires.
  • People who are in polyamory associations never get attracted to an individual
    Even a committed couple in polyamory can fancy an individual. Polyamory work in the same way as traditional associations. But the only difference is that there are multiple partners. Good communication and understanding strengthen polyamory associations.

Concluding thoughts

When we look at the standard romance trajectory, then polyamory partnerships appear to be an alien concept. But, this concept is gaining acceptance across the globe. People are looking for a more open partnership. They don’t want to make false commitments or have the burden of carrying a partnership that doesn’t make them happy. But it would not be right to conclude that a polyamorous association is always a happier one. Every partnership stands on the idea of good communication, understanding, and commitment.

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