What Does Being Asexual Entail?

What Does Being Asexual Entail?

Gopal Bansal Metaverse
First of all, IT IS COMPLETELY NORMAL! You might be asexual if, when your friends talk about having sex, you don’t share their desire or if you don’t find physical attraction in other people. It’s quite natural for asexual persons, also known as “aces,” to have little to no sexual desire. “While the majority of… Continue reading What Does Being Asexual Entail?
Are you Demisexual? Lets Find out!

Are you Demisexual? Lets Find out!

Gopal Bansal Metaverse
Demisexual is one who experiences sexual attraction to another person only after forming a strong emotional connection with them. In terms of who we are attracted to and how frequently we feel sexual desire, sexuality is a continuum. Others identify as asexual, or “ace,” which means they have little to no sexual desire. Some people… Continue reading Are you Demisexual? Lets Find out!
Sexual Orientations – How Many Types are there?

Sexual Orientations – How Many Types are there?

Gopal Bansal Metaverse
Thinking that you’re heterosexual might harm your sexual evolution throughout life. You may not be thinking the right way about sexual orientation. A recent study finds out there are around 15 sexual orientations. And we have a question for you. How many you’re aware of? The days are gone when sexual orientations are pretty simple… Continue reading Sexual Orientations – How Many Types are there?
Anarchy in marriage and relationships: Is it feasible?

Anarchy in marriage and relationships: Is it feasible?

Gopal Bansal Metaverse
Let us start by saying that I am not perfect at relationship anarchy or marriage consultancy. I’m referring to best practises that are grounded in truth. Marriage probably has no place in pure philosophical relationship anarchy, in my opinion. But in the environment we live in, marriage does not automatically exclude someone from identifying as… Continue reading Anarchy in marriage and relationships: Is it feasible?
What Precisely Is Unicorn Polyamory?

What Precisely Is Unicorn Polyamory?

Most people have heard the phrases threesome and polyamory, but for those who are new to having several partners, there is a whole new lexicon to master. Unicorn polyamory is a popular polyamorous phrase. What Precisely Is Unicorn Polyamory? Unicorn polyamory refers to a polyamorous partnership that involves two persons in a relationship and a… Continue reading What Precisely Is Unicorn Polyamory?
What Does Polyfidelity Look Like?

What Does Polyfidelity Look Like?

Gopal Bansal
In the past, monogamy was seen to be the sole paradigm for relationship success. However, a fresh revolution has happened in recent years. Offering up new alternatives for many couples in their relationships. One of these is polyfidelity. It’s a type of polyamory, which means “many loves.” Polyamory is a catch-all phrase for people who… Continue reading What Does Polyfidelity Look Like?
How Your Parents Influence Your Future Relationships

How Your Parents Influence Your Future Relationships

Gopal Bansal Metaverse
We personally believe that very few people (regardless of generation) would declare that dating is an easy task. However, dating in the digital era feels particularly difficult. Dating apps make it more difficult to keep someone’s attention and more convenient to ghost someone. Having said that, once we’ve found our mate, we’ll gladly concur with… Continue reading How Your Parents Influence Your Future Relationships
Your Partner Wants an Open Relationship, What to do?

Your Partner Wants an Open Relationship, What to do?

Gopal Bansal Metaverse
There are many different kinds of relationships. If you’re currently in a committed and monogamous relationship, you may be wondering how to proceed if your partner wants an open relationship. To better understand, process, and proceed, it is necessary to first understand what an open relationship entails. An open relationship is one in which partners… Continue reading Your Partner Wants an Open Relationship, What to do?
Five Classifications of Infidelity

Five Classifications of Infidelity

Gopal Bansal Metaverse
If you’ve ever been cheated by the partner, your first belief was likely, “why?” The consequences of infidelity are numerous. And it is natural to want to know why your partner chose to cheat. There could be a variety of reasons, and various types of infidelity and cheating could shed some light on those reasons.… Continue reading Five Classifications of Infidelity
Emotional Affair and Physical Affair – What’s the Difference?

Emotional Affair and Physical Affair – What’s the Difference?

Gopal Bansal Metaverse
Cheating is termed as one person in a relationship having sexual relations with someone other than their partner. However, with the advancement of technology such as cell phones and the internet, the definition of cheating has been expanded to include the traditional definition as well as the feelings and/or thoughts that constitute emotional infidelity. Cheating… Continue reading Emotional Affair and Physical Affair – What’s the Difference?
Infidelity: An affair and reconstructing your relationship

Infidelity: An affair and reconstructing your relationship

Gopal Bansal Metaverse
Humanity is fundamentally based on love and closeness. All of us, dreamers, doers, insane people, and the absolutely sensible, have an inbuilt need for each. But intimacy and love may also bring us to our knees. It plunges us into a magnificent void of misery and anguish. Who among us has not visited? Without question,… Continue reading Infidelity: An affair and reconstructing your relationship
Deciding to be Childless, Is It Selfish for Couples?

Deciding to be Childless, Is It Selfish for Couples?

Gopal Bansal Metaverse
Let’s talk about the phases of a relationship. People meet each other, then they fall in love (sometimes not), they get engaged, and marry. In Hinduism, after all this, women tend to throw rice when they take vows at the wedding ceremony. It is the oldest custom of a wedding ceremony. With the environmental considerations,… Continue reading Deciding to be Childless, Is It Selfish for Couples?
Online Dating and the role of dating apps

Online Dating and the role of dating apps

Gopal Bansal Metaverse
The “Great Internet Revolution” has transformed people’s lives in different ways. Life is now bifurcated into offline mode and online mode. The evolution of matchmaking and dating sites has been a transformative change. It has made it easier to connect with people of the same ideologies. The sole objective behind online interaction is to develop… Continue reading Online Dating and the role of dating apps
Why do Couples stay together, miserably?

Why do Couples stay together, miserably?

Gopal Bansal Metaverse
Modern society evaluates everything, not only non-reactive things but also partnerships/relationships. The theory mainly goes with the assessment of costs and benefits. If we go to the analysis, the partners in dysfunctional relationships always evaluate what they’ll lose if they leave and mostly stay after the calculations.  Many couples stay together in the hope that… Continue reading Why do Couples stay together, miserably?
Marriages are made in heaven?

Marriages are made in heaven?

Gopal Bansal Metaverse
Why marriages are failing? Marriages are made in heaven, and we have been listening to this age-old adage. Marriage is an institution that unites two people who envision their future together. The idea of “And they lived happily ever after” needs love, commitment, and more than anything, it needs a lot of hard work. However,… Continue reading Marriages are made in heaven?
Are we stepping into new relationships?

Are we stepping into new relationships?

Gopal Bansal Metaverse
We live in a world where relationships have dimensions these days and people kind of embrace these dimensions. Polyamory, a word that was much of a hush-hush earlier is now unfolding itself in the society. Triad or Quads or Vee or Poly associations are currently trending. Had we talked about this a few years back,… Continue reading Are we stepping into new relationships?
A Professional Woman – Independent or Insecure?

A Professional Woman – Independent or Insecure?

Poonam Verma Metaverse
Until recently, I believed that the era has changed. Women are in full control of their life, their decisions, and but not of course, their financial freedom. But then, I watched this promotional video shot by some mutual fund company, a few months ago. The Bitter Truth It showed that despite earning for years, women… Continue reading A Professional Woman – Independent or Insecure?
How to have a relationship with yourself before you have one with someone else?

How to have a relationship with yourself before you have one with someone else?

Chahal Verma Metaverse
To be able truly to love someone you need to love yourself first. Ever wondered why many people don’t treat the other person how they deserve to be treated despite doing their best? Why do some people still stick for years in bad and toxic relationships? Many times the reason is that they don’t love… Continue reading How to have a relationship with yourself before you have one with someone else?
How to get better at Dating Apps?

How to get better at Dating Apps?

Chahal Verma Metaverse
No one has any time to waste on online dating, yet for busy single people, dating apps and websites feel like a necessary evil for meeting people. How else are you going to do it? If not done carefully, online dating can turn into a part-time job taking most of your hours in the day.… Continue reading How to get better at Dating Apps?
How do identify red flags in a relationship?

How do identify red flags in a relationship?

Chahal Verma Metaverse
When dating someone new, it’s all too easy to look at the person through rose-colored glasses—and miss the glaring signs they’re not right for you. Often referred to as red flags, we’ve all seen these glaring signs before, but whether we ignore them, try to work with them, or walk away is up to us.… Continue reading How do identify red flags in a relationship?
How to find the most suitable dating app for you?

How to find the most suitable dating app for you?

Chahal Verma Metaverse
Online dating is the greatest invention the world has ever seen. We can think about it as online shopping for sex. You browse profiles, find someone you like and start a conversation. But, the success ratio of online dating remains very low. There must be a way to navigate through these apps in a way… Continue reading How to find the most suitable dating app for you?
Is a polygamous relationship easy to cope with?

Is a polygamous relationship easy to cope with?

Gopal Bansal Metaverse
Is a polygamous relationship easy to cope with? I’m sure the first answer would be “NO”. The ones who believe in one man and one-woman relationship will find this bizarre. But the fact is that the idea of polygamy, i.e., association with different partners, has been prevalent in our society. In simple words, polygamy is… Continue reading Is a polygamous relationship easy to cope with?
Will polyamory define modern love?

Will polyamory define modern love?

Gopal Bansal Metaverse
An intriguing question when I first read something about polyamory. I’m sure you would agree with me on this. The conventional idea of love and romance revolved around one man and woman and their selfless commitment. And it later transforms into a bond of eternal love. But there has been a considerable shift in the blocks… Continue reading Will polyamory define modern love?
Women’s Expectations and Needs – Can it get any better?

Women’s Expectations and Needs – Can it get any better?

Poonam Verma Metaverse
Reena (a woman) was talking to her friend. “I feel frustrated. I can’t handle so much pressure anymore. All the work that I did so smoothly until now, feels like a burden. Taking care of everyone’s schedule and coping with my own changing self, is becoming difficult now. Sometimes it feels like the problem is… Continue reading Women’s Expectations and Needs – Can it get any better?
Ageing Effect on Sex Life

Ageing Effect on Sex Life

Poonam Verma Metaverse
Sexuality is often a delicate balance of emotional and physical issues. How you feel while ageing may affect what you are able to do and what you want to do. Many older couples find greater satisfaction in their sex lives. As compared to when they were younger, they find it far more convenient and enjoyable… Continue reading Ageing Effect on Sex Life
The Magic Potion of Intimacy

The Magic Potion of Intimacy

Poonam Verma Metaverse
Think of the time when you have an argument. You feel restless until you blurt it out in front of a certain someone. A person who you believe understands you more and shares intimacy than anyone else. You speak your heart out in front of them, without any brain-to-mouth filter. People like to be with… Continue reading The Magic Potion of Intimacy
Depression in Men

Depression in Men

Poonam Verma Metaverse
Hey man, why so depressed? We have always portrayed men as stronger than the opposite sex. Check any part of the history for instance. Since times immemorial, all warriors, achievers were men. There was hardly a woman who we remember for her bravery. Whenever a situation demanded someone strong, everyone looked up to the man.… Continue reading Depression in Men
‘Midlife Crisis’ OR, Just a ‘Perspective’?

‘Midlife Crisis’ OR, Just a ‘Perspective’?

Poonam Verma Metaverse
So, what is the Midlife Crisis? And at what age does it occur?  Well, I would say that ‘Midlife Crisis’ is nothing but a feeling triggered by an awareness of mortality, or the daily occurring physical changes. It is existential and anything like the loss of a partner or a friend or in some extremely… Continue reading ‘Midlife Crisis’ OR, Just a ‘Perspective’?
How to say no without ghosting?

How to say no without ghosting?

Gopal Bansal Operations Manager
Ghosting or vanishing without leaving any trace after the first date is a common scenario that most of us have faced. If you are on the receiving end, you might find it difficult to understand what spurred that made your date disappear. And if you are on the sender’s side, you find ghosting to be… Continue reading How to say no without ghosting?
First date follow-up advice: Unfolding the secret

First date follow-up advice: Unfolding the secret

Gopal Bansal Metaverse
Does the secret idea of following up after the first date intimidate you? You are one of many individuals who are sailing in the same boat. You are wondering whether you should call or drop a message? Would I look too eager to make the next move? These are a few of the many questions… Continue reading First date follow-up advice: Unfolding the secret
Emotional Needs of a Woman

Emotional Needs of a Woman

Poonam Verma Metaverse
Women, what do you want? Most of the time, men can be heard complaining,  ‘I don’t understand what she wants. No matter what I do, she is never happy.’ And that is a common happening among couples. Mind you, I am not talking about a particular age or class. The problem persists with every age… Continue reading Emotional Needs of a Woman
Drifting Relationships of Middle-aged people

Drifting Relationships of Middle-aged people

Poonam Verma Metaverse
Hey! What’s eating you up? A good and healthy relationship is an outcome of good understanding between the partners. It is not necessary to like each other’s habits and behaviours, but it is absolutely important to understand them for healthy relationships. That is how our parents and their parents have been able to live their… Continue reading Drifting Relationships of Middle-aged people
5 signs that he shows interest in You

5 signs that he shows interest in You

Gopal Bansal Operations
So your first date was great, but a common thought that would keep hitting back at you is whether the guy you met likes you or not? Well, many say that it’s too early to predict in the first meeting. Whether the boy is interested and keen to take a step ahead. But there are… Continue reading 5 signs that he shows interest in You
Emotional Distress of Men 

Emotional Distress of Men 

Poonam Verma Metaverse
The other day, I heard these two middle aged men talking in the park. One was telling the other about the sadness, the loneliness and the emotional distress and depression on relationships he was feeling in his life these days. ‘Everyone is there, my wife, my kids, but they are all busy in their own… Continue reading Emotional Distress of Men 
Mischievous Age 40 – Depressing or Miraculous? 

Mischievous Age 40 – Depressing or Miraculous? 

Poonam Verma Metaverse
40 is a remarkable number, in fact miraculous, when we talk of age. It is often said that life begins at 40. But why is it known to be a new start after the 40 long years of our birth? And if that is the case, what were we doing until now? No wonder, such… Continue reading Mischievous Age 40 – Depressing or Miraculous? 
How blind people sense Intimacy?

How blind people sense Intimacy?

Gopal Bansal Operations Manager
As a part of some interesting discussions sparked on the random dating chat rooms, one of the users asked how blind people sense intimacy or sexual attraction towards someone. I got dizzy for a while. This is actually something that my brain never discusses with anyone. Meanwhile, a lot of people weighed in and a… Continue reading How blind people sense Intimacy?
Six Modern-Day Dating Tips

Six Modern-Day Dating Tips

Gopal Bansal Operations Manager
Single and looking for a companion? What better way than to hit a dating site. Analogous to the conventional idea of dating, the modern-day dating terminology is quite different. With a plethora of dating sites claiming to provide the best match, the idea of finding the right dating site and a perfect mate can be… Continue reading Six Modern-Day Dating Tips
Five Questions to ask on a First Date

Five Questions to ask on a First Date

Gopal Bansal Operations Manager
Well, before we get started, don’t get intrigued by the title. While many of you are reading this would be wondering what’s new in it? As they say, good communication sparks good relations. The same rule applies to your date as well. Good questions will give you great answers. Never miss this point when you… Continue reading Five Questions to ask on a First Date
Prescriptions of a Healthy Relationship

Prescriptions of a Healthy Relationship

Gopal Bansal Metaverse
“In recent times, marriages used to be a start of the relationships, now it is a finale.” We should admit the fact, modern love has its own highs and lows. Dating was not that widely used term in conventional times, but it was there and we saw a drastic change in our social structures with… Continue reading Prescriptions of a Healthy Relationship
Dating in Tier 2 and Tier 3 Cities

Dating in Tier 2 and Tier 3 Cities

Chahal Verma
India comes in the Top 3 users of dating apps in the world and without a doubt, it’s a rapidly developing country with more than a billion people in it.” But India has had the majority of the population living in Villages, and underdeveloped cities. So the user base was actually coming from the Metropolitan… Continue reading Dating in Tier 2 and Tier 3 Cities
Young and Lonely – How does it feel?

Young and Lonely – How does it feel?

Gopal Bansal
One of the private institutions recently published a study in which they claimed that loneliness is more than twice as likely to have mental problems. If we consider the point on which the loneliness and mental health problems issues intersect, it is a tricky one in particular and the relationship between these two is casual… Continue reading Young and Lonely – How does it feel?
Dating game 2021 :Can we go relationshopping first ?

Dating game 2021 :Can we go relationshopping first ?

Almas Sayyed
Online dating refers to websites and apps that facilitate romantic relationships’ or various sociosexual connection initiation by offering users (1) access to the profiles of potential romantic candidates, (2)a communication channel to initiate contact, and (3) a romantic compatibility matching algorithm to be paired for potential romantic initiation. The first site was established in 1995… Continue reading Dating game 2021 :Can we go relationshopping first ?
The Queen’s Gambit in dating game

The Queen’s Gambit in dating game

Almas Sayyed
Dating Plot starts with First step in the Dating Game for a GenZ/You tube influencer, college drop out, girl preferably (18-25 age) group looks like Curiosity got the best of her. She wanted to meet her man in the wild( like coffeeshop,central park or a library) and not on any socials. She absolutely adored rom-com… Continue reading The Queen’s Gambit in dating game
Dating Profile Inflation

Dating Profile Inflation

Chahal Verma
We all know that internet is a great place to pretend to be someone you are not. Sometimes it happens deliberately and sometimes unconsciously. Like how you make yourself look taller or add a couple of filters to your face or lie about/conceal your relationship status. Everyone wants to highlight their best qualities for any… Continue reading Dating Profile Inflation
Embracing Blockchain for Dating

Embracing Blockchain for Dating

Gopal Bansal
In a very short existence, internet dating or online dating has become more popular in comparison to recent times where this domain was highly stigmatized. The younger, and even older generations are locating on the web to get the perfect matches. There are multiple applications in the market to cater to the needs of dating… Continue reading Embracing Blockchain for Dating
Swiping: a dating paradox

Swiping: a dating paradox

Sunil Aggarwal DropD Network
Swiping, when introduced by Tinder in 2012 was a great UI/UX revolution in the world of dating. It changed the core language of dating from better matchmaking algorithms to better swiping choices. It unleashed what can be called a mass popularization of dating as well as a default user behavior. Before Tinder, people were just… Continue reading Swiping: a dating paradox
Online dating feels like a part-time job

Online dating feels like a part-time job

Chahal Verma DropD Network
The more seriously you decide to get involved with finding a good relationship on any dating app the more you’ll realize that the whole activity has converted now into a tedious and time consuming job. It’s probably equivalent to how an HR feels going through the never ending stack of resumes. The difference is that… Continue reading Online dating feels like a part-time job