Dating in Tier 2 and Tier 3 Cities

Written by Chahal Verma

Date: 15 Feb, 2022

India comes in the Top 3 users of dating apps in the world and without a doubt, it’s a rapidly developing country with more than a billion people in it.”

But India has had the majority of the population living in Villages, and underdeveloped cities.

So the user base was actually coming from the Metropolitan Cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, etc.

The people here are developed and educated as they are open to all the information about the world, they are a higher society with much more resources as compared to The Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities.

The main problem which exists is the ratio of Men and Women on these dating Platforms, the “Problem of Abundance” catches up for women in these cities in a huge way and there are some deep-rooted reasons for it.

Education and backward society is a part of the problem, dating is still a taboo in India. Dating is looked down upon by the Majority of Families and the Traditional roots of Arranged marriages are the path that families think is the best for their single-family members. Women are also constrained and their character is judged if found with another boy in a romantic relationship, there have been many instances that have also shown that women and young girls are being shamed in public just for being in a relationship.

Privacy issues are also there in these cities unlike urban, these small cities have a small concentrated population and the unmarried couples cannot go on a date together in the popular part of the town, as things start coming into the head “Someone might see”, “what if a family member is here” and this kills the transition form the texting phase to meeting phase.

Women also found men to be less desirable and extremely desperate here in the cities and again this comes to education and lack of self-development which can happen when your surroundings aren’t the climate to support and boost it. According to a news source on dating apps, a source there are 67% of male users in India, This number gets even much large in Tier 2 and 3 cities due to the societal norms of women not being able to join.

These problems are deeply rooted in the not-so-urban parts of the country. But however a sudden rapid change has been seen due to Covid-19, reverse migration has caused the number of users in these cities to jump drastically, all those who were working in Tier 1 cities with Multinational companies were seen flocking back to their homes and families, this was a boost for dating apps and a blessing for the culture around these. The standards which men had earlier were changed due to a new flock of them coming which were much more desirable by the women, families have also seen the change in the culture and are open for their daughters to be in a relationship.

But even with the new wave of users and mass adoption of the Internet in the country by the millennials and Gen-Z’s, certain problems in tier 2 and tier 3 cities like which would still take time like, women not being comfortable posting their pictures on the dating apps thinking someone in their family might get to know, in the bio people just mention their caste with a quote instead of telling about themselves and it becomes like shooting an arrow in the dark with no aim or objective and makes it pointless for those who are interested to meet people forget having a serious relationship as the first impression gets spoilt.

India still has to work upon the fact that the deep-rooted problems have to be changed but the change which has already happened is huge and a big step forward in the right direction when it comes to intimate relationships and taking full control of whom you want to be with.