Dating Profile Inflation

Written by Chahal Verma

Date: 23 Jan, 2022

We all know that internet is a great place to pretend to be someone you are not.

Sometimes it happens deliberately and sometimes unconsciously. Like how you make yourself look taller or add a couple of filters to your face or lie about/conceal your relationship status.

Everyone wants to highlight their best qualities for any potential suitor and exaggerate them too especially when it comes to the height, weight, etc. All this is fine until it comes to online dating. This is because when it comes to these apps the entire purpose in this case is for two people to meet IRL and build a relationship.

Creating false image of yourself in such cases only leads to a terrible impression on your potential partner because you need to understand that in online dating your first impression depends on how you look or how you’ve described yourself.

This leads to a few problems and conclusions some of which are:

No Matches: Researchers found that the people, with high selective self-presentation were seen as bragging about their looks and their accomplishments, were in turn seen as less socially attractive and less trustworthy. And that translated into fewer contacts and fewer dates. Because at the end of the day who really wants to be with a person like that?

Ghosting: A lot of times, most of those who inflate their profiles won’t proceed from the talking stage. There have been instances where people spend days talking but when it comes to meeting, they start ghosting the potential date.

Revealed-at-once: If they decide to meet after such alterations, they’re most likely to be caught in their lies. It’s laughable if you believe that the girl who is particularly looking for a ‘tall guy’ won’t be able to see how you lied about same!

To conclude, be as authentic as possible, showcasing your positive attributes is never wrong as long as they’re accurate 🙂