Drifting Relationships of Middle-aged people

Written by Poonam Verma


Date: 25 Mar, 2022

Hey! What’s eating you up? A good and healthy relationship is an outcome of good understanding between the partners. It is not necessary to like each other’s habits and behaviours, but it is absolutely important to understand them for healthy relationships.

That is how our parents and their parents have been able to live their life peacefully. They reached an understanding of their partner’s behaviour and accepted the way they were. 

Since time immemorial, women have been brought up with a mindset that their men are their everything. They are the ones with worldly knowledge, wise, intelligent, and hence, the decision-makers. With such an upbringing, it has never been difficult for a woman to accept her man and do everything in her power to keep him happy and satisfied. On the other hand, man has also understood his duty to provide her with care, love and all that is necessary to have a healthy relationship and good life.

The drift

It goes fantastically so, in most of the marriages. Every couple would be bonding well and working hard to keep their relationship healthy and happy, during the first decade of their marriage. 

As it is said that every relationship has a honeymoon period. As time passes, this bond starts becoming weak. Certain habits and behaviours that were adorable or acceptable until now, start irritating the partners. Their perception starts changing. Once attached at the hip, these two people start drifting apart.  As a result, relationships that were nurtured until now start getting less attention.

What changed?

If the questions are ‘Why are you behaving like this?’, ‘What’s wrong with you? or, ‘Is there someone else?’ keep popping up in your household, understand that you or your partner are also going through this crisis, called middle age. 

As soon as mid-life arises, it brings along a lot of different perspectives, and many insecurities too. People who were so uptight until now, start loosening up, little by little. Ideas that seemed wrong and immoral yesterday, become experimental thoughts today.  

Such changes make a person carefree or you can say, less concerned, but not necessarily less loving, in my case. The only difference is that the approach of middle age makes many people aware of their mortality and the time that is left for them. With this new realization, they start thinking about their own happiness first and act differently.

The Impact

If it happens to both, the change will be terrific and life will become a lot easier. But, who says life is fair? While the perspective of one partner changes, it doesn’t necessarily happen to the other. Such people feel emotionally insecure. As they feel bound to their partners, they fear that their partner will abandon them. Thoughts like ‘I am not good enough, ‘where did I go wrong?’, keep clouding the mind. Ultimately, the impact of a disturbed mind is on health.

Exercising control

Know that the ultimate sufferer will be the one who is trying to hold on to the changing circumstances. The one who is accepting the change and moving on will always be enjoying life. 

It is important to understand that life never remains the same. Like it is said, ‘the only constant in life is, ‘change’. 

Then why do you cry for the loss? Why not have a new perspective? How about accepting the change and finding our own way to happiness.  

When comparing, look down. You might be feeling bad about seeing happy people around you. Never forget, many people out there are craving a life like yours.

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