Emotional Needs of a Woman

Written by Poonam Verma


Date: 27 Mar, 2022

Women, what do you want?

Most of the time, men can be heard complaining, 

‘I don’t understand what she wants. No matter what I do, she is never happy.’

And that is a common happening among couples. Mind you, I am not talking about a particular age or class. The problem persists with every age group. In fact, as the couple enters middle age, it becomes more noticeable. Then couples are found irritated, throwing fits, and staying angry with each other for a long time, sometimes for days, if a solution or at least a compromise is not reached.  

Truthfully, what man is actually asking is, 

‘What do I not do?’ ‘What am I missing?’ And he never gets to know the answer. So, he declares the woman confusing or crazy.
Now, women might be complicated or confusing, since they never come out in the open and demand what they expect from men. But, the irony is that women actually want their men to understand what they expect to deliver, without voicing it. That has always been a problem that creates a gulf between them. A gulf of difference in expectations and efforts keeps getting wider with passing time.

So, what is it actually?

Every woman is different. Hence, her desires are different too. While some women desire big, burly, and sedate, some others want adventurous, smart, spontaneous and chivalrous, and so on. Of course, all these desires are in different permutations and combinations. Moreover, with age, many women’s preferences change too. If she liked a smart and talkative man until now, she might get attracted to a man who is experienced and quiet. 

Until now, she had been adjusting to the situation, trying to keep peace in the house. But now that she is entering middle age, the countdown starts in her mind as well. Will I die with all my desires unfulfilled? Now, she starts making a bucket list in her mind. (20 things to do before I die)

No matter how old a woman gets, the fun of getting praised, flirting, and the joy of meeting men of her choice never gets old.

Attraction plays a vital role. Then comes intimacy and sexual satisfaction. These might seem extrinsic needs but they really matter.

If you understood the needs of a woman, you would feel like you have reached a milestone. Still, meeting these needs will never be enough if you, as a man, can’t figure out the intrinsic needs of a woman. No matter how much effort you put in, the woman of your desire will leave, taking her love and attention to something or someone else, in some cases.

The Secret Desires

With every passing year, her desire gets stronger to get her needs and wants to be fulfilled. 

She needs to:

  • Feel loved
  • Have a sense of control, power
  • Freedom of choice and action
  • Feel important and needed

Although these are some of the fundamental needs of a woman, there might be different preferences and choices by different women. 

I am sure, if the given choices are met, you have reached half the way. Because if not, it is quite easy for a woman to feel what is missing and she might turn away. Not necessarily from your life, she might be there but withdraw physically or mentally. It is more disturbing for a man, especially in middle age as that is when new developments take place in life. 

So, be attentive, be attuned, look deeper, and make her feel worth with your effort, time, patience, and understanding.

Remember, She is Different from You

You might never understand why, but it is true. Therefore, her needs are different too, which are fundamental to her happiness. A relationship will suffer, when even one of the partners doesn’t feel happy, loved, and content. 

Try to understand, consider and practice meeting your partner’s feminine needs, so you can have a deep, intimate, whole, and fulfilling relationship. 

So, take charge, encourage her and make her feel supported. Let’s see what secret desires come out then. It might be something you always craved for, in your partner too.

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