Five Questions to ask on a First Date

Written by Gopal Bansal


Date: 17 Feb, 2022

Well, before we get started, don’t get intrigued by the title. While many of you are reading this would be wondering what’s new in it? As they say, good communication sparks good relations. The same rule applies to your date as well. Good questions will give you great answers. Never miss this point when you are on a date. When you meet are meeting someone, you are there for some good time and easy-breezy conversation. And the right set of questions will prevent that awkward silence that can ruin your date. So, we have some interesting ways to ask five typical questions that will stir up the right conversation between the two of you.

Interesting conversation starters on the first date:

  1. Anything surprising happens today?

    Usually, we ask a person how their day was. So it ends up with a typical answer, Fine!, ok, it was a great day or a bad day. What we mean here is that it is a close-ended question. You are limiting the scope of your conversation. However, when you ask someone the aforementioned question, they will give you a complete brief of what happened with them and why it was surprising, thus opening up the space for more questions. So basically, what you are doing is creating a chain of topics, wherein you can be an active listener and a participant as well.

  2. Are you following any passion projects these days?

    Instead of straightway asking what your hobbies are, try asking about their passion projects; this gives them a scope to define their passion, why they love doing it, and what they think about it. So, you are creating a broader base of questions here.

  3. What is the best present that you have received?

    This is the best way to figure out what the person likes or fascinates. The way they describe their best present or idea of the best present gives you a hint of their preferences and likeness. 

  4. What were you like when you were a kid?

    Try to make your conversation interesting instead of sticking to the traditional way of asking, “how was your childhood?” Try to make your conversation more interesting by putting up engrossing questions like this. When a person defines, it gives you a glimpse of their personality and persona. This helps you understand them even better.

  5. Do you have any pet peeves?

    All of us have something or the other that bothers us more than normal. Instead of asking, “what annoys you the most.” Ask a more interesting question. It’s like discussing their likes and dislikes without directly hitting the question at them. 

Throughout this set of questions, our emphasis is to bring forth the importance of communication and emotional exchange, which helps establish a stronger bond. This type of convo fuels the brain and keeps monotony and dullness at bay on your first date. The more conversation you have at the table, the better are your prospects of understanding the person.

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