How to get better at Dating Apps?

Written by Chahal Verma


Date: 19 May, 2022

No one has any time to waste on online dating, yet for busy single people, dating apps and websites feel like a necessary evil for meeting people. How else are you going to do it?

If not done carefully, online dating can turn into a part-time job taking most of your hours in the day. And if you’re alert working a 9-5 or anything which requires most of the time of your day, uvula want to give up pretty soon.

How to navigate your way through the potentially time-sucking work of online dating?

There’s no one answer to this question but there are a couple of ways through which you might understand the conversation a little bit better.

Choose the right online dating app

It’s crucial for your to know which dating app suits your needs or will most likely have the person you’ll looking to date. There are all kinds of dating apps made for all kinds of people. And from those looking for a long-term relationship on OkCupid to those looking for hookups on Tinder.

Right profile picture in online dating

Your profile picture is the first thing your potential match will ever see. 

Some people might think that sending a good text message is the most important skill but if you don’t choose the right picture you won’t even get a chance to talk to the person.

While your opening message’s content will determine if someone clicks through to your profile, it’s that little thumbnail image that will determine if they open the message at all.

Sending the first message

First, don’t just send messages out blindly, you have to tailor the message to your goals and the person you are writing to. You don’t want to give a beautiful woman a physical compliment because it won’t have a huge effect on her. With men, don’t be overly flirtatious as that can immediately set them off. Instead, give a man a non-sexual compliment and show interest in something from his profile. Also, go through their profile thoroughly and send a text related to something you found there

Request a quick video chat before meeting

People these days have started to hate any sort of human interaction, most people expect text messages instead of phone calls so a video call seems impossible, but it’s better to have a quick 5-10minute of video chat with a potential date than going through 2-3 hours of awkward dinner.

First date Dos and Don’ts in Online Dating

  • Choose a location where you both feel comfortable and that offers a chance to sit together. 
  • Don’t offer to pay for a drink, just go ahead and do it. If they object, just tell them the next round is on them, (or next time if it’s only a quick meet).
  • Be clear and upfront about what you’re on the market for.
  • Remember that you are not trying to sell yourself. Go in with the mindset that you are trying to find out if this person meets YOUR standards, not the other way round. Be friendly, flirty, witty, and conversational without being needy.

When it comes to tips there can be hundreds more, so it’s always better to take a leap of faith, get some experience and do what works the best for you.

Our Previous Blogs:

– Emotional Distress of Men

– How do blind people sense intimacy?

– Online dating feels like a part-time job

– Swiping: a dating paradox

– Young & Lonely – How does it feel?

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