How to have a relationship with yourself before you have one with someone else?

Written by Chahal Verma

How to have a relationship with yourself before you have one with someone else?

Date: 25 May, 2022

To be able truly to love someone you need to love yourself first. Ever wondered why many people don’t treat the other person how they deserve to be treated despite doing their best? Why do some people still stick for years in bad and toxic relationships?

Many times the reason is that they don’t love themselves.

A relationship is as healthy as the people in it. If you don’t have a good relationship with yourself then you won’t have a good one with others. And you won’t be able to give someone that special love, care, and attention and neither will you be able to take it.

Here are a few tips to have a better relationship with yourself:

Spend some good quality alone time

Do your favorite things in the world, read a book, watch a movie, book tickets for a comedy show, go for a hike, or if you are like me go for a good workout and relax on a nice breezy beach.

Spending time with yourself is one of the anchors to loving yourself, you are in touch with your emotions and how you really feel it also gives you a better understanding of who you really are as a person. It gives clarity to you about various things in life and also keeps doing the things you were doing before you committed to your significant other.

Don’t compare yourself to others

You are perfect as you are. Yes, life is all about getting better and better but… better than who you were a year ago not to a random jock going by the street or your co-worker or the person flaunting his/her body in the gym.

This will also affect your relationship negatively as this flaw will grow more as you feel more insecure when it comes to other people in your partner’s life. Jealously is a major destroyer of relationships and these feelings will begin to diminish when you stop comparisons?

Forgive yourself and others

A heart carrying one grudge is a heart too heavy. Forgive yourself for the mistakes you did when you didn’t know any better about life. Forgive those who hurt you and move on, forgive those who were not able to be there for you when you needed them but hey you still pulled it off!

Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting, it just refers to not carrying negative energy in you for something that has happened in the past.

Your relationship will also be affected by this as your partner is also not a perfect person. They will commit mistakes small ones here small ones there and maybe a few not so small but forgiveness is the path to the peaceful loving life you desire so truly with your partner.

Start forgiving it’s really not that hard and is fun as well when you realize how we create such a strong feeling over nothing many times.

Take care of your body

Pick the trimmer and start grooming that beard, wanted that curly hair? Go to the salon and get it right. Start putting effort into going to the gym or for a jog, eating right, grooming yourself, and wearing clothes in which you feel good. 

Treating your body right plays a huge role in having a healthy relationship with yourself. 

A huge part of self-care is loving the person you look at in the mirror.

Be honest to yourself

It’s possible to live a whole life without realizing that you aren’t being honest with yourself. That’s because most people aren’t in touch with their emotions. Once you master your feelings and begin to live your vision, you’ll discover a conviction and fearlessness you could’ve never imagined.

The most passionate relationships are those between two people who are completely honest with themselves and with each other. The most fulfilling careers happen when we are in touch with what we really want out of life. 

When you learn to be honest with yourself, you transform into this whole different person and gain the self-esteem and confidence you’ve always craved.

These are a few tips for you to maintain a healthier relationship with yourself which will directly have a positive impact on every other relationship in your life.

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