How to say no without ghosting?

Written by Gopal Bansal


Date: 31 Mar, 2022

Ghosting or vanishing without leaving any trace after the first date is a common scenario that most of us have faced. If you are on the receiving end, you might find it difficult to understand what spurred that made your date disappear. And if you are on the sender’s side, you find ghosting to be the easiest way to escape the confrontation with your partner. 

Irrespective of the sides, ghosting someone is not the ideal behavior. This is a small world, and you may stumble across the same person whom you had ghosted at some point. Ghosting or running away is not the right move. 

As per Julie Spira, founder of Cyber-Dating Expert, ghosting is the crowd’s way out to avoid texting and confrontation. So what should I do next? You are not the only one who is dwindling with this question. Let’s try and find the answer to this.

Communicate your true emotion with these words


Before going ahead, we would like to mention that the pointers mentioned ahead are recommendations. Since relationships are dynamic and vulnerable, using the right words and communicating in the best way is significant. And so, you are free to follow your instinct.

“ I don’t think things can spruce romantically between us, but we will make great friends.”

Did that sound like a trite remark? I know it is, but conveying your emotion is the best instead of running away. Often, people meet up on a date, followed by many dates, but they don’t feel the romance growing. However, if you like to spend time, these lines would be the best if a similar emotion is flowing in you.

“ Hey !!! you are a lovely person; I’m in a position in my life wherein I cannot make a long-term commitment.”

These simple lines communicate your emotion. And if you are not ready to make a long-term commitment, you can use a similar way of expressing your emotion.

“ I loved the time that we had spent together, but I don’t think that the romantic spark is growing between us.”

Maybe you had a great date and found your date to be amazing. Despite all this, you don’t feel the romantic spark glowing between the two of you. Instead of running away, it’s always good to tell the other person about the emotions.

“ You are a great individual, but I’m looking for someone with whom I have more things in common.”

The idea of relationships and dating has changed in the modern realm. Ghosting is not one of the most decent behavior. The other person deserves respect and needs to know why you are not interested. Instead of running away, gather some courage and speak out the truth. Speaking our heart out is embraced with grace.

There are many other ways to speak your mind and heart. But ghosting is not the right answer. Refer to this list or make up your own, but always tell your partner why you are not keen on taking things ahead.

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