Is a polygamous relationship easy to cope with?

Written by Gopal Bansal


Date: 02 May, 2022

Is a polygamous relationship easy to cope with?

I’m sure the first answer would be “NO”. The ones who believe in one man and one-woman relationship will find this bizarre. But the fact is that the idea of polygamy, i.e., association with different partners, has been prevalent in our society.

In simple words, polygamy is the concept of a relationship where you have multiple partners. Polyamory relationship is one such association that is gaining prevalence in recent times. The changing behavioral pattern of individuals has played a significant role in the evolution of this new form of relationship. Irrespective of your associations, the underlying emotions and insecurities remain the same.

This brings us to the next most important question: how do you cope with the relationship issues in a polygamous relationship. Such associations are much-touted in some countries. However, not many speak about how you cope with such a relationship.

Is there any positive side to a polygamous relationship?

This is the most asked question. In the first go, you cannot define that polygamy has any positive sides. Such relationships are usually impacted by jealousy and insecurities that actively prevail amongst the wives. This sometimes also leads to an abusive relationship and this sabotages the child’s growth in the family.

While you cannot extract the positives from such a relationship, there are bleak positives that need a mention here:

1. There have been cases where childless kids have gained a safe and secure environment in polygamous marriages. 

2. Also, the warmth and affection for polygamous families can impact a child positively. It eventually helps in boosting mental health and self-esteem.

So, we cannot completely take away the positives of polygamous marriage. But how do you maintain a positive family life and how does one cope with issues of jealousy.

Acknowledging the fact

While this may sound bizarre in the modern context, acknowledgment of your emotions is important. Once you are in a polygamous marriage, it is important to acknowledge the relationship and not vilify it to make it more problematic.

The feeling of jealousy is human, and no one is devoid of it. So, instead of running away, one must always acknowledge this emotion. This is the first step to making things better.

Communication is the key

For any relationship to be successful, one must communicate. Often, we tend to keep our feelings to ourselves. This may sometimes sabotage your relationship with your partner. Communicating what is running in your mind will play a significant role in maintaining your relationship. Simply roll out your emotions, you can communicate:

“ I am jealous about all you spend with her.”

“I’m feeling insecure, and if I can spend more time with you, I’ll be able to overcome my insecurities.”

“ I’m feeling lonely or left out, and it could help me cope.”

These are a few of the things you can discuss with your partner. However, other factors play a role here. The behavior of your partner, and how well your partner perceives your concerns.

The relationship is an intricate web of emotions, that are positive and negative. To make it successful, one must overcome all the fear and move their way ahead to make it more successful.

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