The Magic Potion of Intimacy

Written by Poonam Verma


Date: 14 Apr, 2022

Think of the time when you have an argument. You feel restless until you blurt it out in front of a certain someone. A person who you believe understands you more and shares intimacy than anyone else. You speak your heart out in front of them, without any brain-to-mouth filter.

People like to be with the ones who share their ideology. Think about it. You have a lot of friends, cousins, and you like them all. But you will call a particular one, in case you want to discuss something. Or when you want to have a second opinion, or when you want to go somewhere.

Why is that so? Why are a few people more important than the others? People know intelligent and experienced people, but they always seek the company of their favorite ones. There is no satisfaction until they have had a word. That’s a fair example of intimacy.

What makes intimacy so important?

Many a time, people keep jumping from one relationship to the other, but they never settle down. Because they crave intimacy, not only a physical relationship with the other person.

What we need to understand here is that intimacy is more than being only physical in nature. it also entails psychological closeness.

Some people have a confidante in their life. Someone they trust with their secrets and vulnerabilities. Such people are in intimate relationships. And such a relationship is far more important to a person’s happiness than having a large social network.

Every relationship impacts our well-being. We tend to give our relationship much more importance than we realize. As a result, every minuscule issue affects our mental and physical health.

For instance, no person can derive the same happiness from an ex-spouse as they do from their friends, lovers, or even colleagues.

Among all the relationships, the most important for the majority is their romantic partner. It is so because an intimate relationship is the closest form of social bond.

As we get older…

Intimacy becomes a vital need with age.

In general, marriage is usually associated with high rates of happiness. But the truth is that there is no guarantee that marriage will bring happiness with it. Everyone has their own expectations and no marriage guarantees to meet them. Marital satisfaction has peaks and valleys during the course of a life cycle. Often, it hits a low point with the coming of children. Relationships become traditional and there are more financial hardships and stress in living. Two people who are comfortable as partners may find the added parental duties more challenging with children. The distance between the partners increases and a gap gets created.

That’s when a lot of people find their peace with a good friend or colleague, usually of the opposite gender. As the level of intimacy decreases with their spouse, it increases with this new partner. But it has a positive effect too. Studies say that an extramarital affair or more than one relationship brings happiness and peacefulness to people.

Especially in the case of people of age groups 40 and above, who feel lonely. This is the time when a person goes through a lot of physical and mental changes. Sometimes, such changes make them go through emotional distress too. Some people are lucky to have an understanding partner. But it is not so in other cases. Hence, a romantic partner becomes far more important than anyone else.

What does it matter if the intimate partner is your spouse or not? The only thing that matters, is that they bring you happiness, ‘the essence of life’.

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