Marriages are made in heaven?

Written by Gopal Bansal


Date: 01 Jul, 2022

Why marriages are failing?

Marriages are made in heaven, and we have been listening to this age-old adage. Marriage is an institution that unites two people who envision their future together. The idea of “And they lived happily ever after” needs love, commitment, and more than anything, it needs a lot of hard work. However, the present-day scenario seems to be challenging this ideology. The rising cases of arguments, separation, and divorces bring forth the darker side. But does that mean the idea of marriage is a myth, or are we progressing in a world where partnership comes with a timeline? Let’s try to unfold the truth.

What causes a marriage to break down?

Marriage is a complex bond. It is not limited to two people, rather their families and extended families, everything has a role to play. There can be various reasons for broken bonds, but as per the therapists, divorce lawyers, and counselors, certain key factors can be the root cause of most broken marriages.

The belief: Marriage is a Panacea

This must be broken. Many a time, it has been seen that parents want to get their kids married, thinking that they will be more responsible. But pushing them into an unwanted association can adversely impact the relationship. Deciding whom to marry is a significant decision in one’s life; hence, it must be well-thought-of, but most people overlook this part. Marriage isn’t a magic pill that will bring an overnight transformation.

Lack of Communication

While it may sound hackneyed, the fact is that communication can resolve most of the issues. Couples often get busy in their daily hustle, so much so that they start ignoring each other. Lack of communication and not spending enough time with each other creates an unwanted barrier that sometimes barricades the bond. And thus, you have obvious reasons to separate that eventually end up in divorce.

Financial Accountability

Sometimes, love is not enough; you have to be practical in your approach. Marriages run when both partners walk in the same direction and are motivated to be together. But sometimes, financial differences can be the root cause of broken relationships. Failing to discuss life plans, investments, and security for the future may result in a tumultuous relationship. It leads to everyday spats and brawls. Whining up and blame games become a part of daily life. Staying together in such a situation may lead to broken marriages.

Abusive Relationship

While most of us think this to be only a physical assault, staying with a partner who disturbs your mental peace is also a form of abusive bond. Marriage involves two people who share equal responsibilities and need equal respect. One cannot compromise on their self-respect for long. But often, it has been seen that partners get into abusive relationships. This may start with some blatant banters to severe allegations and physical assault. All this may eventually push your relationship to a broken state.

Wrapping it up !!!

Marriage is an institution where you learn to grow together, and this journey is only successful when both partners are ready to contribute equally. Mutual respect, communication, and understanding can help every marriage thrive through all the odds.

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