Mischievous Age 40 – Depressing or Miraculous? 

Written by Poonam Verma


Date: 26 Feb, 2022

40 is a remarkable number, in fact miraculous, when we talk of age. It is often said that life begins at 40. But why is it known to be a new start after the 40 long years of our birth? And if that is the case, what were we doing until now? No wonder, such questions start popping in our minds. 

Effects on Women 

Actually, many people, especially women in miraculous age, find themselves happier, with a lot more confidence, and feeling their life a lot easier to handle than how it was, few years ago. Most of the women stop pretending to enjoy people and things they actually don’t like (as ‘hate’ would be little harsh to use here.). As an after effect, life becomes better, with all the experience and means necessary for a wonderful life. There’s a carefree attitude kicking in. 

Consecutive Effect on Men

As far as men are concerned, they are entitled to receive a ripple effect. If women are being carefree and less bothered, men will definitely have a far more relaxed life. For men, it is often said that ‘men become naughty, after 40.’ I feel maybe because their women are no longer bothered about where they are or what they are doing, giving them freedom that they craved all their life. Remember two things. One, it is just an assumption, and two, it doesn’t apply to everyone. So, don’t get offended.  

Not everything is flowers and roses

But, ‘every action has an equal and opposite reaction’. So, when people cross this border of 40 years of age, this situation develops certain insecurities in their minds. With no one worrying about what’s happening with them, they enjoy it in the beginning, but after a while, they feel left out.

‘Is there no one who misses me?’ 

‘Am I not important to any one? Not even my spouse?’ 

‘No one cares for me. I am going to die alone.’

Then there is fear of getting old. 

‘Oh, I have turned 40. I am getting old now.’ 

‘I am going to retire soon. How will I take care of my lifestyle then? Who will provide for me?’

‘My count down has started and I haven’t started living for myself, with all these responsibilities and duties.’   

‘I am losing all my strength, my youth.’

‘Look at these wrinkles, every day there’s a new line on my face.’ 

And so on. Questions keep creating a havoc in the mind, not letting a moment to think of the answers sensibly. 

Think of a situation in which a person has lost their spouse, or is single for some reason, or if, married, but doesn’t get along with the spouse. Their mind deprives them of any kind of peace, helping them drown into their sorrows, that result only in depression, anxiety and many problems that develop due to the given situation.

The aftermath

Such depressing thoughts let people take decisions they are not willing to. Many people deal with the situation in their own way. Some turn towards spirituality, while some others try to get associated with clubs or groups that can keep them feel lively. And many others who can do neither, choose to sit alone in the comfort of their own house, feeling defeated and hence, angry at everyone. 

Tell me, if we know that’s where we are heading, why not to find ways to rectify this situation? Why not to start afresh and actually make our lives miraculous, as they should be?  

Like someone has rightfully said, 

“I am not 40. I am 18 with 22 years of experience.”

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