Online dating feels like a part-time job

Written by Chahal Verma


Date: 04 Jan, 2022

The more seriously you decide to get involved with finding a good relationship on any dating app the more you’ll realize that the whole activity has converted now into a tedious and time consuming job. It’s probably equivalent to how an HR feels going through the never ending stack of resumes. The difference is that they don’t need to figure out what to say but when it comes to dating you need to make sure that you’re making the best presentation and convert yourself into a show pony.

These apps are extremely superficial which I believe is one of the major reasons behind it feeling like a long tiresome task. Dating apps focus more on look-based decisions rather than personality-based decisions. I understand how a person looks has a lot to do with dating but it being the sole reason behind accepting or rejecting someone doesn’t quite make a lot of sense.

Now this is a huge problem too because it leads to countless wrong matches which one only realizes after talking to that person and just like that you lost HOURS of your time. To cast a wide net, many singles have profiles on multiple dating apps, with countless conversations going on with many people at any given time. Monitoring matches, swiping on profile after profile and sharing good banter with people of interest takes a lot of not just time but mental energy too

And since it’s common knowledge how the success ratio of dating apps are extremely low, all of this effort is to eventually realize how you still haven’t found your ideal match. I really feel that having a dating app which focuses on understanding someone’s personality along with their looks and physical features has become the need of the hour.