Prescriptions of a Healthy Relationship

Written by Gopal Bansal


Date: 16 Feb, 2022

“In recent times, marriages used to be a start of the relationships, now it is a finale.

We should admit the fact, modern love has its own highs and lows. Dating was not that widely used term in conventional times, but it was there and we saw a drastic change in our social structures with dating in huge demand. The Gen-Z, Millennials, and in some cases Gen-Y generations are widely accepting this change and are getting more open about their sexuality and preferences. Gender, race, and age is old thing like banking in these crypto-times. In many areas of society, we are discovering an open conversation of same-sex romantic relationships, and the same with the case of casual relationships. 

The baby boomers and the old generations can have the advantage in the debate that the failure of relationships is high these days. They may argue that – people do not pay attention to the skills or the habits that lay the foundation of healthy relationships. The ongoing swipe phenomenon with just falling for someone’s looks has destroyed the process of dating. We can’t ignore this but we have to accept this truth and have to live with this.

There is hardly space for someone who is sapiosexual when it comes to popular online dating sources. If you are a person who is not easier to get hurt than online dating is for you, otherwise, you have to be conscious while dating online. Outlining a few tips here to avoid that hurt – 

Tell straightway why you are here

Telling truths to your partner may form a very healthy relationship. Not all the truths but the truths that should be told in the beginning. The goal of the relationship is very important. Clarify your goal on the first and if you find that you both are on the same page, then continue the meetings and the long WhatsApp chats.

Be the person you want to date

You want to date a better human being who doesn’t like to body shame or she/he should be intelligent, then become one first and then go on a date. The law of attraction is actually very powerful and ushers to better relationships. The measurement of your energy will undoubtedly attract people who have the same energy as you. Don’t be rude, just try to give love and take love.

Get out of the Fiction

Human beings have multiple kinds of identities. In those identities, one identity performs the task to introspect ourselves. We may wear a lot of gowns to hide our personality but on imaginative skills, we always dream of something that is beyond practicality. And that hurts when reality hits you. Don’t imagine your partner like 90s movies. It is normal to want a person that meets certain parameters but not fantasize about the man or woman you’ve seen in the fiction movie. This shouldn’t affect your dating life. Make sure that your standards are realistic or you’ll end up pushing your potential matches away.

Don’t put yourself on the clock

We see multiple examples of unhealthy relationships. In these fragile emotional strengths, if we are quick to start dating, that may end up in a complex manner if we ignore the negative aspects. Before indulging in any relationship, do some DYOR to start a relationship. Spend adequate time with the person. Understand the dislikes and likes and then pursue the relationship forward. The devil is in the details and there is always more than what meets the eye. Take your time.

Feelings vs Rationality

They both are gonna fight a lot while dating. One needs to be clear between emotions and thoughts. The amalgamation of the heart and brain should be there to perform the dating duty. You will stumble upon the hefty amount of sexual predators so don’t fall as a victim. 

Summarizing all the above-said things, dating and relationships are the trending topics as well as controversial areas as new trends keep making spaces in this sociological change. The above-mentioned prescriptions are also proactive. These prescriptions will assist you in a healthy and stable relationship. Always stay in a flexible way and never bound yourself in any obsession cage. Because:

“Love people, but don’t obsess people.”

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