Sexual Orientations – How Many Types are there?

Written by Gopal Bansal


Date: 09 Feb, 2023

Thinking that you’re heterosexual might harm your sexual evolution throughout life. You may not be thinking the right way about sexual orientation.

A recent study finds out there are around 15 sexual orientations. And we have a question for you. How many you’re aware of?

The days are gone when sexual orientations are pretty simple by just being gay or straight. With the rapid evolution of humans, new sexual orientations are getting in shape. So when we say, there are many other than these two, people tend to get shocked. You want to find out what we are actually talking about. Read every word of this article.


Given that it is regarded in many cultures as normal and in line with what nature intended, this sexual orientation is likely the most prevalent and well-accepted. People experience this when they are attracted to someone who is the other sex. Because they are sexually attracted to people of the opposite gender—men to women and vice versa—the majority of people in the world are heterosexual or straight.


When someone declares themselves to be bisexual, it means they are drawn to both the male and female genders. They are sexually attracted to both genders and can be either. They occasionally engage in physical contact with both men and women at the same time. Bisexuals have both alternatives open, which does not imply that they are attracted to everyone.


This sexual orientation is characterized by an attraction to anyone, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. They are a continuation of bisexuality, but they go a step further because they are drawn to people regardless of their gender identity. They consider themselves to be gender-blind when it comes to sexual desire and are frequently referred to as omnisexual.


Consider yourself to be asexual. You are mistaken since there is a small proportion of persons who identify as asexual and are not sexually attracted to any gender. Although asexuality isn’t extremely widespread, some well-known figures have adopted it, including physicist Isaac Newton.


This type of person only develops an emotional connection with someone before becoming attracted to them romantically or otherwise. Before becoming attracted to someone, one must first become emotionally attached to them. Demisexuals by nature, frequently create long-lasting partnerships or at the very least start off looking for one.


When someone feels sexually aroused with intelligence, they can declare themselves to be sapiosexual. Since their main attraction is to intelligence rather than gender, they can be of any gender, just like the person they are drawn to. However, in addition to being sapiosexual, such individuals will also have a broader sexual orientation.


These are individuals who are more pansexual than bisexual. They fall somewhere in the middle since they have feelings for many different genders, but not all. While a pansexual person is gender-blind, a polysexual person is attracted to several different genders, including transgender, genderqueer, third gender, intersex, and more.


This is for those who don’t always feel sexual attraction. They rarely become aroused and have a poor sex drive. Graysexuals are not asexual, though, and they occasionally experience sexual attraction. They are typically not sexually attracted to other genders, hence the likelihood is low.


These are persons that find both male and female genders attractive as long as the other person exhibits both feminine and masculine characteristics, or is androgynous. For an androgynous person to find someone appealing, they need to look both masculine and female, hence attraction is largely determined by looks.


On the other side, there are many who find real manly men to be attractive. Sometimes, women with masculine traits also draw attention.


Gynosexual individual finds themselves drawn to very feminine females. And occasionally, the attraction may be towards males with feminine features.


This is for people who do not identify with any of the existing traditional classifications for sexuality. They are pomosexual because they do not want to have any label applied to their sexual orientation by society.


A person who identifies as skoliosexual finds attraction in non-binary individuals or those who do not identify as cisgender. Anyone who is not transgender is referred to as cisgender, which is the majority of the population.


Since an autosexual person is sexually attracted to oneself, this one gets the prize as someone who is not sexually satiated by any particular gender per se. Yes, they believe they are so sexually appealing that they can only be fully satisfied by themselves.

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