Six Modern-Day Dating Tips

Written by Gopal Bansal


Date: 21 Feb, 2022

Single and looking for a companion?
What better way than to hit a dating site. Analogous to the conventional idea of dating, the modern-day dating terminology is quite different. With a plethora of dating sites claiming to provide the best match, the idea of finding the right dating site and a perfect mate can be quite an overwhelming experience. So, how do you make the right move? What is the right way to find the best partner for yourself? Let’s break the ice for you with these tips. Whether it is your first date or you are a seasoned player in the game, these modern dating tips will be your holy grail. 

  1. Be genuine

    While you may think of it to be from the old school of thought, this idea always works, especially if you are looking for a long-time partner. Whether you are meeting someone casually or you want to take your relationship to the next level, portraying the genuine picture of yourself on the first date is going to make things easier for the both of you. 

  1. The 15-minute dating rule

    There is an adage, “the first impression is the last one,” the same goes well with dating. The first 15 minutes of your meeting has to be the best, so how you dress up, your body language, and your conversation will play a significant role in sparking that chemistry between the two of you. 

  1. Swanky dates are a relic of the past

    It may sound a bit bizarre, but the rules of modern-day dating are changing. Gone are the days when you met someone in a fancy hotel over dinner or drink, the modern-day dating revolves around interesting conversation, long drives, and sometimes even a cup of coffee brews things right. 

  1. Be an initiator while Dating

    Why wait? Take the first move. The rules of dating are no more the same. Today, both the partners are equally involved, and you can certainly take the initiative. Break the barrier of formality and call the person if you like. 

  1. Never be in a hurry

    One of the common reasons for the first date often ends up being the last one is that either of the partners tries to pace up too fast. When you are meeting the person for the first time, you must always leave them with a feeling of inquisitiveness to know more about you. The idea is to keep the communication flowing like the stream of a river. 

  1. Your safety is important

    Well, most dating apps do the due diligence and verification, but if you are meeting someone for the first time, it’s always better to meet at a public place than sneaking out in a secluded place. Your safety is paramount and should never be compromised.

While there is no rule book for dating, these tips are certainly going to be helpful to make your first date a memorable one. Your attitude is most important; it must reflect positively such that it consumes anyone around you with the same vibe.

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Embracing Blockchain for Dating

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