The Queen’s Gambit in dating game

Written by Almas Sayyed

Online Dating

Date: 01 Feb, 2022

Dating Plot starts with

First step in the Dating Game for a GenZ/You tube influencer, college drop out, girl preferably (18-25 age) group looks like

Curiosity got the best of her.

She wanted to meet her man in the wild( like coffeeshop,central park or a library) and not on any socials.

She absolutely adored rom-com material.

So finally downloaded “The Dating App”

After 3 messages – he asks her out for coffee

Anxiety took over Blocked the guy and deleted the app

Happy that they tried

*Finnish (*For boys/guys is next please or have to try again)

The Present-day scenario for a GenZ aka Devi Vishwakumar from the popular Netflix series

“Never I have Ever”.

And there are folks who have missed the flight succumb or transitioned from dating apps to matrimonial apps or self-help out themselves as this guy did.

Source :

So as a sane, mature, and educated individual why are we facing this big question after AirBnB neccesity i.e food,clothes and a roof to stay one more pertinent factor has got attached is a partner.

(After Roti,Kapdaa and Makaan now it’s time for Chokra/Chohkri i.e he/him/she/her/them/they are a integral part of our lives).

You are all thinking that Seema Aunty from Netflix has got me. However if you see tweets on your feed/timeline,one ought to question is it the pandemic or our social choices has driven us so further that nowadays weddings are not a full-blown affair wherein one is getting invited or acquainted apart from your blood relations that too scarce if you are not good on terms with your paternal/maternal side.

The Millenials or GenZ nowdays don’t tag along with their parents for any social functions and it’s only their BFF’s wedding they are to be found when sometimes cupid strikes or unless their friends playing bridesmaid/groomsman.

So one cannot wait for sheer luck to strike to get you a partner or to date a person.

One has to earn it to make it happen.

Dating has certainly changed a lot over the years, and while technology has played a huge role in that, it has also given way to more freedom and experimentation.

Every generation had their own way and they dealt or improvised it come what may

History of dating

Before the 1920s, the word “dating” was often used to refer to a relationship or family.

During the Civil War, it became a private matter for couples.

How dating has evolved after all these years

While relationships are based on mutual agreement and trust, dating isn’t the same.

For some, casual dating is not mutual. The idea of exclusivity while with someone may differ.

So how one can be date perfect, where we spent a lot of time on the external aesthetics like looks, designation, assets are an added bonus, however that does not always imply the signals your date is looking for.

Dating hacks for the present

1.Find your blind spots specific pattern.This happens when one is choosy and very selective of the

2. Be specific about what you’re looking for.The set n spray effect sometimes damages your image or gives wrong signals of a Fboy or a Fkgirl image.

3. With prompt responses, people love humor, but you can’t be all silly or all serious. A certain mix or a balance of all shades of personality sometimes good,sometimes bad, can count on is a family person,a bread maker, key decision maker and yada yada the list goes on.

4. Focus on quality and not on quantity unless their personal preferences are otherwise.

5. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there IRL .You are much more than what your socials represent.

6. Stop serving yourself ultimatums that don’t need to be posed.

7. You are allowed to be unsure and to see how things pan out. This is not leading someone on You have to actually try something to know how you and the other individual/s feel about it. As no one’s pleasure is worth more than another person’s

8. Last but not the least be a human and not a jerk.

Social Network and Apps in Dating

Consumers spent over $3 billion in dating apps in 2020, up 15% YoY globally

seeing a total of 560 million dating app downloads as per App Annies report.

One would say why one should care about.As

Consumers are investing in love as mobile dating app spend doubled in the last two years.

As per the report despite COVID-induced social distancing. There continued engagement and the way the consumers are consuming content or the gamification of “swiping” in dating apps induced a socipowering behavior to find avenues to pass time, entertain or the power to say yes/no was socially ego-boosting games, Alongside with virtual dating features like video dating and the ability to match users outside the local area.

So as the mobile was invented the need for desktop platforms has been fit into your palms and seems to empower the world at one’s fingertips. So be it shopping, swiping, or transacting.

As for the product managers ,the business for dating apps wouldn’t be complaining about pandemic as for them is Business-As-Usual (BAU) as dating apps remain some of the most popular apps available with stable levels of weekly active users, even in times of social and physical distancing.

Do dating apps account for more marriages today and are the answer to happier relationships. Not exactly as the rise in divorces is well on the rise.

An inherent conundrum in dating apps is the more success they have, the more users they ‘lose’.

However, in 2019 we saw user bases continue to grow and the average user willing to spend more on features that enhance their dating profile in hopes of finding the perfect match.

So enough on the present so how does the future of dating world looks like

Dating in Metaverse

So all the big names in dating apps like Tinder and Bumble are all gearing up with the notion of dating in the Metaverse and also introducing their app currency to have more skin in the game.

Technology has always been an enabler and behavioral to any social aspect in real life.

So having conversations and dates in a Metaverse or an AR/VR augmented world is much safer than in real life and folks and individuals would love to try and hop on this trend as well.Also intially it’s a great feature to remain anonymous for the first two meetings rather than realising that one has shared a lot to be compromised with the information or the behaviour.

Of course, by now you get it the ways that we used to get hooked on to personal attention.

Be it by looks or creating a mixtape for each other or watching movies/spending time together or celebrating Valentine’s day or taking your boo/bae to somewhere exotic. All these things and the FOMO i.e Fear of Missing Out on a prospect/a partner or the loneliness/boredom caused by the trust factor in our relations, that’s what kept the conversation and the attraction sustaining on.

This adrenaline will push us to experiment, innovate or challenge our beliefs and go beyond the staple or regular. Be it relations or dating/courting as a concept.

However, for people who haven’t found that special someone just yet — dating apps are the de facto match-making tool in 2020.

Some notable niches we can see apart from dating and matrimonial platforms or ventures as the choices have been outgrown apart from kundali, personality, character

Eg. platform offering matrimonial and matchmaking services for professionals) and matchmaking services only for product managers working across FAANG, unicorns and fast growing startups) (IITIIMShaadi is a matrimonial website for alumni of premier institutions from all fields

So never know or it turns out to be a happily ever after….or let the fun begin!!!

While we are at it Malik might get the help and much needed support that he is looking for.

Do watch out this space on empowering relationships and economy engineered for all ages

See you next week.

Meanwhile what do you all think about this .

Also do let us know your one liner to grab or to make sure you go on a date. Looking forward for some awesome ,sleazy one liner’s.😄