What Does Being Asexual Entail?

Written by Gopal Bansal


Date: 22 Feb, 2023


You might be asexual if, when your friends talk about having sex, you don’t share their desire or if you don’t find physical attraction in other people. It’s quite natural for asexual persons, also known as “aces,” to have little to no sexual desire.

“While the majority of asexuals yearn for emotionally intimate connections, sex is not their preferred means of expressing that intimacy. Asexual people are not mistaken, they are not foolish, and they are not required to “wait for the right one to come along.” Like being bi, gay, lesbian, pan, or straight, having an asexual orientation has to do with how and in what ways you are attracted to other people.

If you identify with this, you might be asexual. Let’s dissect asexuality in detail so that everyone may understand it. But keep in mind that when it comes to their experiences and tastes, asexual people vary widely. So you don’t have to conform to any stereotypes or definitions if you use the term “asexual.” You are the only one who can explore your sexuality. Simply pay attention to your intuition.

How can You tell if  You are an asexual?

People who are asexual may seek a romantic, emotional, and spiritual connection with others but do not desire sexual engagement.

Be honest with yourself because love never requires physical contact. In actuality, there are lots of contented, wholesome relationships without sex.

It’s crucial to recognize that asexuality and celibacy differ significantly from one another. Despite having the need, a celibate person does not choose to engage in sexual behavior. While an asexual person experiences little to no sexual interest. Due to the fact that they both deal with refraining from sexual behavior, people frequently misinterpret them.

Although I have no desire for sex, I find people to be attractive. Is that still the case?

Yes, you are probably asexual. You are aware of what is deemed attractive and can appreciate a person’s appearance, but it does not automatically compel you to want to engage in sexual activity with them. The Asexual Visibility and Education Network claims that an innate desire for sex with another person is what determines sexual orientation in the end. In the absence of such, the attraction to others is typically not sexual.

I once experienced sexual attraction to someone. Does that indicate that I am sexual?

Asexuality, like other aspects of sexuality, is neither black nor white. There are numerous ways to identify within the community, and the phrase is inclusive.

Graysexuals often referred to as grey, gray-asexuals, or gray-a, are those who identify as being midway between asexual and sexual. Others may identify as demisexual, which means that they only feel attracted to someone sexually after developing a deep emotional bond with them.

Do asexuals ever engage in sexual activity?

Again, it entirely depends on the individual, however, some asexual people do engage in sexual activity for a variety of reasons. Some asexual people might decide to have sex for many reasons, including to satisfy their sexual libido, to show their partner they are intimate, or for no particular purpose at all.

Because of the various aspects of connection and physical pleasure that they enjoy in committed relationships, some asexual individuals engage in continuous sex.

Are Asexual people able to have relationships?

Absolutely! Being asexual does not stop you from dating or falling in love. A lot of asexuals are attracted to romantic partners.

They go on to say that an asexual person can communicate intimacy in a variety of ways, even if the attraction is not sexual. Asexual people are capable of falling in love, choosing to engage in romantic relationships, and getting married or having kids. They can decide not to carry out any of those things. There are numerous identities and lifestyle choices within the ace group. Some people identify as aromantic, which means they have no romantic desires at all.

[Read – How many types of sexual orientations are there]

No people turn me on, though. Is that still the case?

People who are asexual do not feel any inherent attraction or the urge to engage in sexual activity with others, yet they may still have libidos or experience arousal. For a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with the desire to have sex with someone else, you could still occasionally feel sexually aroused. Asexual people can therefore nevertheless engage in masturbation.

Is there a flag for asexual pride?

Yes! There are four horizontal stripes on it: one each of black, grey, white, and purple. The colors black and grey stand for asexuality, gray-asexuality, and demisexuality, white for non-asexual partners and allies, and purple for the community.

The last week of October each year marks Ace Week, a global initiative to enhance understanding of and education about the asexual community.

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