What Does Polyfidelity Look Like?

Written by Gopal Bansal


Date: 29 Nov, 2022

In the past, monogamy was seen to be the sole paradigm for relationship success. However, a fresh revolution has happened in recent years. Offering up new alternatives for many couples in their relationships. One of these is polyfidelity.

It’s a type of polyamory, which means “many loves.” Polyamory is a catch-all phrase for people who swing or expand their relationships to full-fledged groups and communities. There are shades of grey throughout this spectrum, one of which is polyfidelity. This article will discuss polyfidelity, and how it varies from polyamory. And how it may help you whether you’re in an open relationship or considering one.

So, What Is Polyfidelity?

The term Polyfidelity, as the name implies, is a type of polyamory in which all members are regarded as equal partners and agree to limit sexual activity to only other group members.

You are free to have many partners in a loyal relationship. The key distinction between polyfidelity and “normal” fidelity (aka monogamy) is commitment: Couples in a monogamous relationship commit to one another and exclusively to each other. Everyone in a polyfidelitous group (triad, quadruple, or any number) pledges to each other but not to anybody else. Everyone agrees that they will not pursue connections outside of the group.

It is defined as “the state of having concurrent deep emotional connections with two or more additional persons,” and it combines the commitment and bargaining of monogamy with the extended love of polyamory.

The persons have partnerships that are not sexually exclusive. Even if they are romantically exclusive. Those in a polyfidelitous relationship may date and have sexual encounters with different partners. But only if the entire group approves.

A person may choose to engage in polyfidelity with a group of friends for a variety of reasons, including:

  • They can keep their primary connection while also having other relationships.
  • They may have previously been in monogamous relationships and find it tough to adjust to having several lovers.
  • Some people use this term when they are single and only interested in forming polyamorous relationships with pre-existing couples.

What Is the Difference Between Polyamory and Polyfidelity?

As previously stated, polyfidelity is the practice of having many romantic relationships at the same time. But with the full knowledge and permission of all parties involved. It is distinct from polyamory in that it is a closed model. It means that no outside relationships or sexual interactions are permitted. Polyfidelity can be thought of as a sort of open partnership.

It is most commonly used when there is only one primary relationship per individual among a group of people who have agreed to exclusively have sex with each other. They may have children and live together under one roof. Or they may live separately and see each other on a regular basis.

The Polyamory is the practice of having several romantic relationships with the permission of all partners. It differs from promiscuity in that it encompasses more than just physical, or sexual contact with people.

Most Polyamorists claim that most people fail to satisfy their own emotional requirements inside an exclusive relationship and consequently seek other methods of addressing those needs through secondary partnerships, a practice known as responsible non-monogamy.

Polyamory and polyfidelity are CNMs because they allow people to express love in unconventional ways by participating in numerous committed relationships simultaneously.

What Are the Perks of Polyfidelity?

Some of the benefits of polyfidelity are as follows:

  • When you are looking for certain characteristics in a spouse, having a bigger pool of possible companions might be beneficial. For example, if you prefer tall, dark-haired males with brown eyes, having many partners boosts your chances of meeting someone who fits this description.
  • You are free to fall in love with others – Love cannot always be planned or foreseen. If you already have several partners, you are less likely to feel the need to stray and cheat with someone else.

Your partners have the potential to become members of your family. In many respects, this may be easier than maintaining healthy ties with the families of single partners, who may be resistant to different relationship forms. It enables people to develop various sources of emotional and practical support, reducing their reliance on anybody.

Everyone is aware of who else is in a relationship with any of the members. Because there are no outside connections, it reduces envy over them (at least not without consent).

Is Polyfidelity the Right Choice for You?

Polyamory is not for everyone. Monogamy is neither. Polyamory is neither. What is effective for one person, one relationship or one polycule may not be effective for others. It may be appropriate for you if:

  • The partners are not interested in maintaining many intimate relationships with different individuals at the same time.
  • A strong desire for a long-term commitment from the individuals in your major relationship(s) and are content with that being the fundamental foundation of your connection (s).
  • To avoid the complexities that might occur when you have numerous romantic relationships going on at the same time (without having to practice extreme amounts of communication and trust).
  • You’re willing to work through any problems that may arise as a result of living together.

What Are the Drawbacks of Polyfidelity?

Polyfidelity, like other types of alternative partnerships, is not always an easy path to take. Polyamory presents its own set of issues, let alone when you have a network of individuals who are related in some manner. The following are some of the most typical drawbacks of being polyfidelitous:

  • Because they wish to keep their vow to one other, the group may forsake a relationship with someone they all adore.
  • Some people may become envious or irritated if they believe they are not receiving enough attention.
  • It becomes more difficult when you wish to date someone new. You must persuade everyone in the group – some may object.
  • Before being intimate with someone new, everyone must engage in dialogue.
  • It’s more difficult than traditional monogamy because you have to consider everyone else in the community, not just yourself and your partner.

What Is the Difference Between Polyfidelity and Polyandry?

Although they differ significantly, Polyfidelity and polyandry are both non-monogamous relationship patterns.

Because the term “poly” implies “many,” you may assume that all types of consensually non-monogamous partnerships are the same. However, various relationship styles fall under the umbrella of “polyamory,” and understanding their differences is critical.

While polyfidelity implies numerous relationships with limits, polyfidelitous individuals are more likely to be open to non-monogamy but prefer a committed relationship structure. Polyandry, on the other hand, is a type of polyamorous relationship in which a woman has two or more spouses. Polyandrous civilizations were formerly common in Tibet, Nepal, and India, but they are now recognized all across the world.

The major distinction between polyandry and polyfidelity is that the former is gender-specific, whilst the latter is not.

What Are the Difficulties of Polyfidelity?

The relationships are not without their difficulties, so as polyfidelity. Working with jealousy, which is more prevalent in polyfidelity than polyamory, is the most evident. As previously stated, the distinction is that polyfidelity allows for the addition of new partners in a monogamous manner, but polyamory often allows for relationships to form freely among all group members.

Finding companions who share your goals. It’s difficult to locate other people prepared to forego their single life and hook-up opportunities in exchange for a more serious relationship type. It’s possible that you’ll have to seek far and wide for someone who is interested in what you’re looking for.

How Do You Begin a Polyfidelitous Relationship?

Polyfidelity practice can be difficult. However, if everyone is on the same page and determined to make it work, this sort of partnership may work. We asked polyfidelity practitioners for advice on getting started and making it work for everyone:

  • Discuss expectations right away.
  • Discuss your personal boundaries.
  • Maintain as much transparency as possible with your partners.
  • To Maintain regular check-ins to discuss how you feel about the relationship.
  • Maintain a strong sense of self outside of your relationships.

Last Thoughts

Basically, the polyamory is not a new concept, but research backs it up, and it is expected to take numerous forms in the future. We are mammals, and we are meant to crave and benefit from several relationships at the same time.

As people become more accepting of alternatives to monogamy, I believe they will discover that they can meet all of their emotional needs in a variety of ways without sacrificing any of them. Polyfidelity provides important insights into human relationships and our expectations of them.

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