What Precisely Is Unicorn Polyamory?


Date: 30 Nov, 2022

Most people have heard the phrases threesome and polyamory, but for those who are new to having several partners, there is a whole new lexicon to master. Unicorn polyamory is a popular polyamorous phrase.

What Precisely Is Unicorn Polyamory?

Unicorn polyamory refers to a polyamorous partnership that involves two persons in a relationship and a third person who joins them. It’s dubbed “unicorn” poly because, like the fabled unicorn, finding someone (in this case, a bisexual woman) willing to join an existing couple in a relationship is difficult.

It is frequently seen as perfect by couples since it allows both members of the partnership to enjoy the benefits of having more than one partner—all without having to deal with the jealousy issues that may arise with other kinds of polyamory.

Unicorn polyamory occurs when a straight male/female pair joins into an open relationship with another bisexual woman who does not desire another partner. This can also include non-binary people.

A unicorn is also expected to identify as bisexual, pansexual, or sexually flexible, rather than simply experimenting or being curious about what it’s like to be with someone of a different gender.

What Is a Unicorn In a Relationship?

In the realm of polyamory, a unicorn is typically defined as a bisexual person (usually but not necessarily female) who is prepared to join an existing relationship, frequently with the expectation that this person will date and become sexually engaged with both members of that couple, and will not demand or do anything that would create issues or discomfort to that couple.

What Is Hunting in Unicorn Polyamory?

The most prevalent word for couples seeking a bisexual lady to join their partnership is unicorn hunting. Unicorn hunters are often heterosexual couples who have opted to permanently bring another lady into their relationship. They typically have sex with the couple and date both partners, making them “equal” in the relationship.

Some people who are uneasy with the word “unicorn hunting” prefer the phrase “pursuing a trio.” A triad is a long-term polyamorous partnership that involves three persons.

The issue is that many couples who go unicorn hunting want the unicorn to be “free of strings.” They want her to hook up with them for a night or two and then go; if she’s lucky, she’ll be able to return for periodic hookups. However, many unicorns seek more than just sex; they seek love and companionship.

Distinction Between Unicorn Polyamory and the Triad Relationship?

As previously stated, unicorn polyamory refers to a polyamorous partnership including three persons. In this partnership, one individual serves as the pivot and dates two other people. While the word is endearing, it is difficult to maintain a unicorn polyamorous relationship in the long run.

Triads and throuples are not the same as unicorns. A polyamorous trio is a partnership in which three persons are involved. They’re not dating each other, but they’re interested in each other. These connections can be closed or open, depending on the persons involved.

Three persons are romantically linked with each other in a triple relationship. Thruoples, like triads, can be open or closed depending on what the couple decides. Throuples are long-term partnerships involving three persons

Being a unicorn may be tedious and stressful since the unicorn is expected to date and sexually engage with both members of the partnership equally. Some unicorns may find this pleasurable, while others may find it draining.

The Consequences of Being a Unicorn

Polyamorous unicorn partnerships are a relatively recent phenomenon. If you’re a member of one, you may be wondering how to make it work. Unicorn polyamory relationships have the following drawbacks:

Unicorn fatigue.

Unicorns often receive a lot of attention from the couple and feel the need to be “on.” It’s critical to establish clear expectations regarding how much time will be allocated to each person and how much time will be spent alone with each spouse or on your own. You’re not a robot!

Feeling excluded.

You may feel that the pair does not pay enough attention to you at times, especially when they are spending time together. You and the partner must agree on how much couple time is acceptable to you.


Do you become envious when your partners kiss each other? Or are you concerned that once they find someone else, they will no longer want you around? These emotions of uncertainty are natural, but they should not be disregarded; instead, discuss them freely with your partners so they can comfort you and provide you with what you require.

Unicorn polyamory relationship is a complex idea!

While they may appear to be the ideal solution for a couple looking for a third partner to spice up their love life, it is often difficult to find willing partners who aren’t looking for something more exclusive and who are willing to end the relationship at any time if they believe it is becoming too serious.

Furthermore, ensuring that everyone in the partnership is equally fulfilled might be difficult. There’s always the possibility that one or both of you will become envious or neglected and wish to end the relationship. So, before becoming a unicorn or entering into a unicorn poly relationship, learn the ins and outs.

What Should You Do If You Have Issues in a Unicorn Polyamory Relationship?

Every partnership has difficulties. When you throw a unicorn into the equation, it might be difficult to cope with some issues. If you’re in a polyamorous relationship with a unicorn and are having difficulties, here are five things to remember:

  • When your emotions are running high, take a step back.
  • You are not required to figure everything out all at once.
  • Allow yourself to feel your emotions and acknowledge when things are challenging.
  • Talk with your partner(s) about how you can work through the obstacles together.
  • Compare your expectations to reality.

Conclusive Thoughts

It is critical to be honest with friends, family, and loves ones. Once everyone is aware of the expectations and agreements, everyone can work together to achieve those common goals. Some things may defy how society arranges relationships, but that doesn’t imply they won’t work for you.

There are, however, several polyamorous relationship arrangements, each with its own set of rules and norms to protect the safety, consent, and well-being of all people involved. Everyone has the right to feel loved and connected.

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