Will polyamory define modern love?

Written by Gopal Bansal


Date: 30 Apr, 2022

An intriguing question when I first read something about polyamory. I’m sure you would agree with me on this. The conventional idea of love and romance revolved around one man and woman and their selfless commitment. And it later transforms into a bond of eternal love. But there has been a considerable shift in the blocks of relationships in recent times.

We have always believed that there is one right person for everyone, so why is the world shifting towards polyamory? Is polyamory a new concept? Let’s understand how things will be changing in the new realm.

Is this going to be a new norm?

Polyamory, or a new kind of ethical non-monogamy. Relationships are an intricate cobweb of emotions. Sometimes things tend to go out of proportion, and then people try to push out of traditional boundaries of relationships and explore a new attachment. While this may sound to be a bizarre concept, the inclination toward such relations is picking pace. This brings us to the next question, is polyamory going to be the new definition of love? Read ahead to know more.

There are several myths surrounding this relationship concept; let’s break the ice.

Polyamory is about cheating your partner

This is synonymous with cheating on your partner. If you have this idiosyncrasy, then it’s not true. Firstly, polyamory doesn’t equate to cheating on your partner. When we say cheating on the partner, then it’s all about selfishness, and lack of consent. But in polyamory, it is about having multiple partners, while having transparency. Both the partners agree on this fact. For many people, polyamory is an answer to keep the relationship going. So, we cannot say that it’s cheating on your partner.

People in polyamory relationships are emotionally immature. They don’t want to make a commitment

Whenever you are in a relationship, then you are looking for a bond wherein you seek commitment. But, whenever we speak about polyamory, society pegs this too “youthful exploration” or mid-life crisis. But the fact is that polyamory is often seen when people seek something more from the relationship.

There is no emotional connection

Another common myth surrounding this is that it lacks an emotional connection. These kinds of relations are a fad. But you can find the presence of such associations in our history. Although they are not exactly polyamory, they existed like polyandry. Moreover, polyamory is often associated with sexual desires. But a polyamory relationship is more of an emotional connection.

In conclusion

Polyamory is not a newfangled idea. This concept has been there for ages. But it has come in front of us in different formats. In the modern world, where the dynamics of relations are changing. And so, people are looking for newer ways to keep their relationships going. So, polyamory relationships flourish.

We can conclude that polyamory is not for everyone. In this case, you must meet the expectations of multiple partners. This can sometimes be overwhelming. One of the biggest challenges that one must face in such relations is overcoming jealousy and insecurity. However, the one who can embrace it all will certainly find true bliss in such a relationship.

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